Three-fourths of Wyomingites who took part in a University of Wyoming survey approve of how Governor Mark Gordon is handling the coronavirus pandemic.

The University of Wyoming's Survey and Analysis Center polled 496 residents over 24 hours earlier this week with a margin of error of +/- 4.4 percentage points.

According to the survey, 75% of respondents strongly approve or somewhat approve of Gordon's handling the coronavirus pandemic. Gordon has a net approval rating "remains high" at +54 percentage points, according to the survey.

Meanwhile, 54% approve of President Donald Trump's handling of the pandemic.

Local governments in Wyoming are seeing high approval numbers with 77% of respondents saying they approve or strongly approve of the way their local governments are handling the crisis.

However, the support of many closures is steadily declining.

Here are some key findings:

  • 76% said they support closing primary and secondary schools. That's down 8 percentage points from the last survey two weeks ago.
  • Support for closing daycares is down 11 percent from the previous survey to 67 percent.
  • 64% say they support closing restaurants and bars, which is down 12 percentage points.
  • 74 percent said they support limiting public gatherings, down 8 percent.
  • 44 percent say they support a shelter-in-place order, down 4 points.
  • 14 percent fewer Wyoming residents say they are following COVID-19 news "very closely, while 20 percent more say the worst of the pandemic is behind the state at 20 percent. However, 37% of surveyed residents believe the worst is yet to come.
  • Fewer Wyomingites say they believe COVID-19 is a "real threat" with 54 percent saying as much. That's a decrease of 7 points from two weeks ago. Thirty-six percent of respondents said the pandemic is being blown out of proportion.
  • 15 percent fewer residents say they have had problems buying groceries or household items, but nearly two-thirds of respondents still report that they are having trouble finding household essentials.
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