Listen If You Dare: A Chilling Wyoming Ghost Story
A few years ago I asked my morning radio listeners to send me their ideas for a new Wyoming ghost story. I told them that those suggestions would be woven into a story and video that would be posted a few weeks before Halloween.
That story is in the YouTube video below and is titled, I Must Wake From This Dream.
The radio audience and I had a great time putting this story together, so I'll do it again this year.
Do you have any ideas for a Wyoming ghost story? It does not matter how long or short the suggestion is. Just send it to me at and I'll see if I can add it to what I'm writing. Then I'll either add the text or maybe record it like I did last time.
--- Glenn Woods
5 True Wyoming Ghost Stories from the YouTube page GoulishGal comes 5 Wyoming ghost stories they swear are true.
Creepy background music. A young lady tells the stories. Goosebumps rise. The pictures for the videos are static but just as creepy as the music.
No gore, no slasher junk. Just goosebump stories that take place in Wyoming. Some are outside, some take place inside. Some stories are old but most of them take place in modern times.
There is even a guardian angel protecting a frightened person in the Wyoming woods.
You'll enjoy the narrating style of your host as she tells these stories. This Wyoming video is worth passing on. Perfect for Halloween night.
Goulish Gal likes to post regular videos on her YouTube page. You can also follow her on Facebook.