Kids Fly Free Saturday In Wheatland, WY
How many times in your life have you seen a small plane overhead and wondered what it was like up there?
Local pilots would love to show you.
This offer comes with breakfast in one of the town's hangers.
Ask nice, with a smile, and the adults can ride free too.
Pilots from all over the region, including from several surrounding states, will fly into Wheatland Wyoming's little airfield, on Saturday, August 26, 2023, to give local kids their biggest adventure yet.
It's easy to find the little Wheatland airport. Just click on this link. You will see the airfield on the right side of the map.
Let's face it, this is something they will never forget.
Join the Wheatland aviation community for a day of fun with all things that fly!
Events will include STOL demonstrations, static exhibits, a candy drop, and possibly airplane rides for youth.
Breakfast, provided by T-Joes Steak House in Cheyenne for a donation, will be served beginning at 8 AM.