Barrasso Calls Biden Infrastructure Bill ”Slush Fund”
Wyoming Senator John Barrasso is not a fan of President Biden's Infrastructure Bill.
A "fact sheet" at describes the $2 trillion proposal this way:
"The American Jobs Plan is an investment in America that will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s infrastructure, and position the United States to out-compete China. Public domestic investment as a share of the economy has fallen by more than 40 percent since the 1960s. The American Jobs Plan will invest in America in a way we have not invested since we built the interstate highways and won the Space Race.''
But the Wyoming Republican takes a very different view of the legislation on his Facebook page:
''Joe Biden's “infrastructure” bill is a mere slush fund for liberal spending. It puts $174 billon toward electric vehicles and only $115 billion to fix roads and bridges. This is not what Americans think of when they think of infrastructure. They want safe roads not traffic jams.''
Pictures From Wyoming Snowpocalypse 2021
After two days and 30-odd inches of sow, southeast Wyoming was left buried. An in the grand tradition of every generation since the invention of the camera, we took pictures of the snow.
The Blizzard of March 2021 covered up our driveways, fences, and in some cases porches. It trapped up in our homes and canceled our plans.
Here's a quick look around the Cheyenne area from Sunday (March 14) and Monday (March 15).