Bear Breaks Into Car for Coors Beer, Locks Itself Inside
The scent of Coors Banquet, brewed with Rocky Mountain spring water, attracted a bear to a Nissan SUV, because Coloradans love bear, and apparently that includes bears, too.

We all know that food will attract wildlife — especially bears — to campsites, but most of us probably wouldn't think a case of beer would also do the trick. Colorado Parks and Wildlife shared the photos below as a reminder to hikers and campers to always lock your car doors in bear country, because they have a tendency to break into vehicles often. CPW said that there were over 480 car break-ins committed by bears between 2019 and 2020.
According to CBS4 Denver, the incident happened in Larkspur, which is south of Denver. CBS4 said that the bear also locked itself in the car, and destroyed the inside of it for an hour until it was released, because Coors won't slow you down.
In addition to cars, bears have also been known to break into homes (and play pianos, but they're not very good), local pizzerias and even dispensaries (only in Colorado). WATCH: Bear Break-Ins Caught on Camera.
CPW also reminds us all to 'be bear aware,' because when bears become aggressive when trying to get food, they usually have to be 'destroyed,' which is a questionably nicer way of saying they have to be killed.
'Every time we’re forced to destroy a bear, it’s not just the bear that loses,' CPW said. 'We all lose a little piece of the wildness that makes Colorado so special.' So, here are ways you can be bear aware, and also keep yourself safe.
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