A bill that would repeal most gun-free zones in Wyoming is scheduled for a committee hearing this morning.

Senate File 67 would allow people to carry guns into governmental meetings, including those of the legislature, as well as into schools, colleges, and universities. But owners of businesses and other private property would still be able to ban guns if they want to do so.

And while the carrying of guns into schools would be allowed, school districts would still have the authority to prohibit school employees from carrying guns on district property.

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The bill would specifically say that only the state legislature has the right to regulate firearms in the state. The bill is slated for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning in Cheyenne, That committee meeting gets underway at 8 a.m., but the gun-free zones repeal is just one of several items on the committee agenda.

If the bill wins committee approval, it will go on to the full Wyoming Senate.

Senate File 67 is sponsored by Senator(s) Driskill, Hicks, Kinskey, Kolb and Steinmetz and Representative(s) Newsome and Oakley


LOOK: Milestones in women's history from the year you were born

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