Casper Native ‘Doc Suess’ Releases New Video Based on True Events
So much new music has been popping up all over Wyoming so far for 2021. It refreshing to know that the pandemic has stagnated artists. If anything, it seems to have motivated some.
Thus is the case with Casper native and Hip-Hop artist, Jordan Suess, who goes by one of the most awesome rap names, Doc Suess. He recently released a new autobiographic song and video titled: "Strugglin".

I got a chance to speak to Doc about his latest video and what it means to him. He stated:
So it’s my favorite song off my most recent album, "Chemically Dependent, Emotionally Vacant", because it’s the story of my life from (ages) 15 to 25 and I struggle with alcoholism and addiction. My grandmother is the intro with the message she left me when I was living in Chicago because she used to tell me I was an alcoholic and I would end up in prison when I was in eighth grade and I got my fourth MIP (Minor In Position). I would argue with her and say I just like to party. When I ended up in prison on the first night I was looking in the mirror and telling myself that my Nana was right and then the inspiration to write that song.
Josh Shaw filmed it and he also has struggled with addiction and it’s just quite funny because we started out as rivals and grew to become friends and work together. The last chorus in the song is switched up to be positive as well stating how I still struggle with addiction, but I take it one day at a time and keep my music playing it’s the only thing that saves me.
Props to Jordan for sharing such a real outlook into his life. Things like addiction aren't always easy to talk about, but through his story, he's aiming to help others, while motivating himself.
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