Central Wyoming Boys & Girls Clubs’ Vocational Training for Teens
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Wyoming has launched a new hands-on vocational training program for teens called Career Works.
Career Works aims to help youth discover a passion for their futures through exploring exciting career opportunities.
Career Works focuses on four key areas of workforce development while offering a localized approach that’s responsive to the needs of business leaders and the opportunities in Central Wyoming.
The four areas of emphasis include essential skill development, career exploration, work-based learning, and skills certification activities.
The goal is to increase the workforce and equip local partners with qualified staff upon completion of Career Works’ programming.
Current Career Works' sessions take place Wednesday mornings at 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Moser Energy Systems (260 Craig Thomas Blvd, Evansville).
According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2021 Kids Count Databook, “at least 2,000 Wyoming teens are not in school and not working.
For 16-24 year olds, 11% are not in school or working. These unemployed and unschooled teens are at high risk of experiencing negative outcomes as they transition to adulthood.
Limited skills and work history restrict access to good jobs, as well as future higher wages and employment opportunities.
BGCCW impacts the Central Wyoming community by developing contributing citizens, enhancing quality of life, driving upward mobility, and promoting the free market.
One way that BGCCW accomplishes these goals is through the Club’s new workforce readiness program, Career Works.”
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Wyoming is partnering with TRANSFR VR to provide premier hands-on virtual reality (VR) career exploration and training to middle and high school students.
The VR simulations offered are developed in collaboration with leading employers to ensure the tasks performed in VR are authentic to the on-the-job tasks employers require.
As such, youth can guide their career choices based on the reality of different work environments and occupations.
For more information, please contact Ashley Bright, CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Wyoming, at (307) 267-1406, or abright@bgccw.org.
Here are pictures and more information from the last two sessions:
• 1st Session Recap
• 2nd Session Recap