The story is all over conservatize news outlets.

Wyoming representative Liz Cheney is asking Democrats in Wyoming to switch parties on primary day and vote for her, then they can switch back to Democrat for the general.

In the flyer U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney actually instructs Wyoming Democrats how to change affiliation on primary day.

These instructions are also listed on the campaign website.

attachment-Cheney Flyer

But one of the problems Cheney might have in asking for crossover votes is that Democrats don't like her.

Liz Cheney has consistently been the most conservative member of the U.S. House. Democrats really don't want her sitting in that chair.

That was bad enough, but now many Republicans don't like her either.

When Cheney voted to impeach Trump, then joined the January 6 committee,  many Wyoming Republicans said that she should just join the DNC.

That got a laugh from the head of the Wyoming DNC. He said that Liz is so conservative the DNC would not have her.

Getty Images
Getty Images

We then have to wonder, is Liz Cheney so far behind in this race that she needs to court Wyoming Democrats?

In the past she was always so far ahead she would have never dreamed of it.

Commenters often contend that Cheney needs support of Democrats to win the primary. Jason Lemon recently wrote in Newsweek, “Some analysts have speculated that Democrats in Wyoming could potentially save Cheney by casting ballots for her during the August primary.” A New York Times  overview of the House race dynamic by Reid J. Epstein concluded that it was “raising questions in Wyoming about whether [Cheney] is counting on Democrats to bail her out in the August primary.” Jason Linkins argued in The New Republic that “it’s becoming clear that [Cheney] will probably need some additional assistance to win back her seat—specifically, from Democrats.” (WYOFILE).

But it seems that Liz might be far enough behind that bringing over some Democrat votes will not be enough. Perhaps she needs independent voters as well. There are plenty of those in Wyoming if she can bring enough of them over to her side.

Early Voting in El Paso, Texas
Joe Raedle, Newsmakers for Getty Images

Geoffrey Skelley of the website offered a different argument regarding Cheney’s plight. According to Skelley, “[Cheney’s] political future rests on winning over Republican voters rather than winning over Democratic or independent voters. She needs a good deal of the former for the latter to matter at all.” In this, Skelley is half right. Certainly any candidate needs Republicans’ votes to win the party’s nomination, but Skelley’s analysis is flawed because it does not consider the composition of the electorate in a Republican primary. Democrats will play little if any role in determining the outcome of this year’s Republican primary. Independents, however, will play a substantial role.(WYOFILE).

This move to court Democrats by asking for crossover votes has caused another conservative backlash in Wyoming against Liz that is almost as loud as when she voted to impeach Trump.

The practice known as "crossover voting" is embraced by many Democrats in Wyoming. In much of Wyoming Democrats are underrepresented if they have any representation at all. In some cases only Republicans are running for local offices.

So many Democrats believe that the real election will happen during the primary.

Voters In California Head To Polls To Cast Ballots In State's Primary Election
Mario Tama, Getty Images

Then there is the problem of crossing party lines because the Democrats believe that the current GOP front runner is dangerous, so they switch parties to meddle in the GOP primary elections, picking a more moderate candidate, then switch back.

Republicans hate the idea of crossover voting, saying that it is not their fault that the Democrats can't find anyone to represent them.

Republicans HATE IT when Wyoming Democrats switch parties on primary day in the hopes of making the more moderate GOP candidate the Republican's pick on election day.

Wyoming Republicans have been trying to change the law to end crossover voting.

So lets break this down to the basics:

1). Democrats don't like Liz Cheney. Why would they cross over to vote for her?

2).  Republicans in Wyoming HATE that Democrats are allowed to crossover vote. Liz is actually instructing them on how to do so. You can hear GOP heads exploding across Wyoming over this one.

Strategically, these were some very bad moves by Liz Cheney.

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