Do You Have a Dress Code for Your Thanksgiving Dinner?
Some people like to get fancy, others prefer comfy.
The big day of thankfulness will be here in the blink of an eye. With it comes many wonderful things like family, love, gratitude, food, etc. It's a time to slow down and spend time with one another.
Each year, I get to enjoy two Thanksgiving meals. One is with my extended family and the other is with my in-laws. Both of them are kind of informal, but we are intentional when it comes time to eat. That means no devices, no televisions on, and everyone has a seat at the table.
I really like it that way.
It kind of makes me think about the movie The Blind Side with the Thanksgiving scene. Everyone piles around the TV with a plate, except for Michael. Instead he takes a seat at the dining room table and when Mrs. Tuohy sees that, she turns off the game and moves everyone in there to join him.
*cue a few tears*
So tell us about your Thanksgiving. What traditions do you have? What does the meal look like in your house?
I'd also like to know if you have a dress code at your Thanksgiving.
Some families do Thanksgiving up big. They bust out the fancy china and the crystal glassware. Everyone invited usually dresses up too.
Others like to keep things casual so everyone feels comfortable. Stretchy pants are a must. Truth be told, there have been plenty of Thanksgivings that I have left dinner with some sort of food on my outfit. Not ideal if I'm wearing something nice.
This goes without saying, but there is no right or wrong way to do Thanksgiving. It doesn't matter how you do it, but it's more important who you do Thanksgiving with.
I pray that you are surrounded by those who are most dear to you and that your home is filled with immense love.