Wyoming motorists who leave the scene of an accident or who are caught driving under the influence can expect hefty increases in car insurance costs, according to a new study.

That's according to the Zebra, the nation's largest car insurance website. According to the study, people who are convicted of leaving the scene of an accident can expect to pay an average of $1,026 more per year, or about a 70 percent increase.

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Those found guilty of driving under the influence are hit with an average insurance cost increase of $1,007, or about 69 percent. It's worth noting that those expenses only reflect increased insurance rates, not fines or legal fees of any kind.

Some other notable traffic violations that could boost your insurance costs include refusal to take a chemical test, which could increase your rates by an average of $861 annually, and reckless driving, which could jack up your insurance costs by an average of $798 per year.

Even some relatively lesser offenses could increase what you pay for insurance coverage, according to the study. For example, an illegal turn violation could cost you an extra $124 per year.

Below is the entire list of traffic violations and the average increase in insurane rates according to the Zebra:

ViolationCost$ Increase% Increase
Leaving scene of an accident-hit and run$2,486$1,02670.3%
Refusal to submit to a chemical test$2,321$86159.0%
Reckless Driving$2,258$79854.7%
Driving with a suspended license$2,052$59240.5%
At-Fault Accident - $1000-$2000$1,891$43129.5%
At-Fault Accident - Greater Than $2000$1,891$43129.5%
At-Fault Accident - Less Than $1000$1,860$40027.4%
Driving too slowly$1,833$37325.5%
In 65 MPH Zone$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding 11 - 15 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding 16 - 20 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding 21 - 25 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding 6 - 10 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding in School Zone$1,833$37325.5%
Open container$1,655$19513.4%

Wyoming - Common traffic violations & auto insurance rate increases


Leavingscene of an accident-hit and run$2,486$1,02670.3%
Refusalto submit to a chemical test$2,321$86159.0%
Drivingwith a suspended license$2,052$59240.5%
At-FaultAccident - $1000-$2000$1,891$43129.5%
At-FaultAccident - Greater Than $2000$1,891$43129.5%
At-FaultAccident - Less Than $1000$1,860$40027.4%
Drivingtoo slowly$1,833$37325.5%
In65 MPH Zone$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding11 - 15 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding16 - 20 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding21 - 25 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speeding6 - 10 MPH Over Limit$1,833$37325.5%
Speedingin School Zone$1,833$37325.5%
Passingschool bus$1,633$17311.8%
Failureto yield$1,584$1248.5%
Followingtoo closely$1,584$1248.5%
Operatinga vehicle without permission$1,584$1248.5%
Wrongway-wrong lane$1,584$1248.5%
Childsafety restraint$1,564$1047.1%
Failureto show documents$1,564$1047.1%
Failureto stop at a red light$1,564$1047.1%
Textingwhile Driving$1,564$1047.1%
Drivingwith expired registration$1,538$785.3%
Drivingwithout lights$1,520$604.1%
CellPhone Violation$1,505$453.1%
OneComp Claim$1,460$00.0%
OneMed-PIP Claim$1,460$00.0%
TwoComp Claims$1,460$00.0%
TwoMed-PIP Claims$1,460$00.0%

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