Entries are now being taken for the 31st annual Cheyenne Christmas Parade scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 27 at 5:30 p.m.

This year's theme is "Old West Holiday."

The parade route will start at W. 17th Street and Carey Avenue, march north on Carey Avenue to W. 24th Street, march east one block, march south on Capitol Avenue to W. Lincolnway, then march west two blocks.

Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce

In the interest of public safety, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce is asking parade attendees to stay downtown until the parade is entirely finished.

"There will be food and drinks available around downtown, and Small Business Saturday will still be going strong with opportunities to find the perfect gift for your loved ones," Chamber spokeswoman Elizabeth Bennett said.

To register a float, visit: https://www.cheyennechristmasparade.org

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