Family Of Fallen Wyoming Marine Refiles Lawsuit Against Baldwin
The family of fallen Wyoming marine Rylee McCollum has re-filed a lawsuit against actor Alec Baldwin in New York, according to CNN.
The new lawsuit was filed after a previous suit by the family against Baldwin filed in Wyoming was dismissed because Baldwin lives in New York, and the Wyoming court did not have jurisdiction.
According to the report, McCollum's widow and two sisters are suing Baldwin for $25 million.
LCpl Rylee McCollum was killed in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, when a suicide bomber attacked his unit.
His sisters and widow are named as plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
"On January 3, Baldwin's seemingly benevolent overtures turned into a nightmare for the McCollum family when Baldwin went on a rant about LCpl. McCollum's sister (...)," the lawsuit says.
That led to a heated exchange of comments
Baldwin: "When I sent you the $ for your late brother, out of real respect for his service to our country, I didn't know you were a January 6 rioter.
Sister: "Protesting is perfectly legal in the country and I've already had my sitdown with the FBI. Thanks, have a nice day!"
Baldwin: "I don't think so. Your activities resulted in the unlawful destruction of goverment property, the death of a law enforcement officer, an assault on the certification of the presidential election. I reposted your photo. Good luck."
Roice McCollum was soon targeted by "hateful, aggressive messages from Baldwin's followers via Instagram after Baldwin posted her Instagram feed to his 2.4 million Instagram followers.
The suit says McCollum's other sister and his widow likewise later were targeted by similar messages, despite the fact that neither of them was present during the January 6, 2021 riots in Washington, D.C.
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