Summer is almost here, and I for one cannot wait.

I'm looking forward to time spent outside with my kids and doing ALL THE THINGS.

Eating popsicles, BBQing, heading to the mountains for a hike, kayaking down the river, and spending hours upon hours at Edness chatting with friends while the kids dig in the sand, catch fish, and swim and splash.

As a mom with 5 kids Summer also brings a lot of challenges as well.

Like avoiding sunburn, making sure the kids are drinking enough water, and the endless reminders to put on their bike helmets and watch for Rattlesnakes.

For a lot of families Summer also means more unsupervised time home alone, hours spent roaming around the neighborhood...or more time than usual hanging out at friends' houses.

That's why I thought it would be a good idea to share some things I do with my family to help prepare us for the Summer.

Here Are 10 Ways Wyoming Families Can Keep Their Kids Safe This Summer

While families look forward to the fun of Summer, it's also important to think about how you can ensure that your kids are safe. Here are a few things to talk to your kids about before the Summer starts.

After reading these 10 tips did you think of something that would be a good idea to chat with your kids about?

There of course are lots more details that we could have gone into...

For example, I didn't talk about secondary drowning which is rare but CAN be serious!

Is there something important you think I forgot to mention?

Let us know in the My Country 95.5 App

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5 Basics Skills Every School Age Child Needs To Know How To Do

Below are 5 basic skills that every school age child needs to know how to do, and ideas of when and how to teach them.

Here's What You Need To Float The North Platte With Your Family

Are you planning on floating the North Platte River with your family? Here's everything you need to know so you can have a successful adventure on the river.

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