There are just a few things in life you can count on happening. Sunrise, sunset, arguing over politics and snow during the winter in Wyoming.

Depending where you are in Wyoming, the snow totals every year will be different, but many places will experience many feet of snow over the winter months and driving in those conditions are dangerous.

When you're getting ready to head to work after a big snow, it's really important to clear your vehicle of snow. I know we all get in a hurry and feel like being late is the worst thing that can happen on a snow day, but not making it to work at all is a little worse that being late.

Wyoming has been ranked near the top every year for being the worst state for winter driving. So why not decrease your chances of being in an accident, by making sure your vehicle is clear of snow.

When getting ready to roll after the snow falls, taking a few extra minutes to assure your safety by clearing off your car, is key to safe travel. When you don't fully clear your vehicle off, your visibility is blocked and could cause you to collide with another vehicle or object you can't see.

Also when snow and ice blows off your car, it could cause issues for other drivers around you. Flying off your car and hitting another car or blocking their vision.

Here are some car snow removal tips for your safety.

  • If there's a large amount of snow, be sure to clear the snow away from your tailpipe before starting your vehicle.
  • Then start your car and run the defroster
  • Fully clear snow from your windows, hood, truck, roof, mirrors, headlights and taillights.
  • Clean off and remove ice from your windshield wipers and wiper fluid nozzle to ensure they work when you need them.
  • If there's ice build-up on your windows, use your ice scraper and start by going down your window first. Then scrape across the window to break the ice up into smaller pieces.
  • Don't use hot water to try and remove ice. It could cause your window to crack or shatter.
  • It's recommended to clean the inside of your windows at least once a week during the winter. A film can build up on the inside, increasing the fogging possibility.

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