John Harvey for Wy HD 43 Facebook page
John Harvey for Wy HD 43 Facebook page

Republican legislative candidate John Harvey is touting support for gun rights as one of his main issues in his run for Wyoming House District 43.

Harvey, who works for Magpul Industries in Cheyenne, is challenging long-time Rep. Dan Zwonitizer in the August 18 GOP primary. No Democrats have filed to run for the seat, which is in Laramie County. Of the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, Harvey says ''It's a huge issue.''

He goes on to say ''Wyoming has some really great gun laws. There are some folks trying to undermine them already." Among what he considers ''good gun laws'' in the Cowboy State, Harvey cited the state's ''Stand Your Ground' law which was passed by the 2018 session of the Wyoming Legislature and signed into law by Governor Mark Gordon.

Of the law, Harvey says ''There are some folks who want to water that down. I would like to prevent that." Harvey says if he is elected one thing he would like to work for is the elimination of gun-free zones across the state. In terms of the state's budget challenges, Harvey says he would not support any new taxes on Wyoming residents but feels the budget can be balanced by budget cuts.

One area that he feels could be cut is the Wyoming Business Council, which is the state's economic development organization. On the other hand, Harvey says he's not sure the closure of several rest stops announced by Governor Mark Gordon as a cost-cutting measure earlier this summer was a good decision.

You can hear the entire July 25 ''Weekend in Wyoming" interview with John Harvey in the audio attached to this article.




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