Kayaking Walmart After Gillette Wyoming Storm (PHOTOS)
Friday, 6/19/20, a big hail storm hit Gillette Wyoming. Some flood waters came with it. No reports of serious damage yet but the town looked as if winter had returned. It was all covered in white.
The ice began to melt, quickly. That, along with the heavy rain, water became trapped in the Walmart parking lot with no where to go.
The hail was blocking the storm drains so the parking lot could not empty.
Some clever costumers saw a stack of kayaks and decided to the a couple of them for a test drive. SEE A PICTURE OF THEM HERE. Folk are already making memes out of them. One witness who took this picture dubbed it The Redneck Yacht Club
BONUS PICTURES: Peace out. - Paddle for speed. - White icy beach.
This video appeared on FaceBook showing the two smiling and paddling around.
Just enough water to float the boats as they paddled around to the delight of onlookers. They causally paddles around the parking lot to the delight of onlookers.
Got to admire these guys. In tough times, never loose your sense of humor or sense of adventure.
I wonder if, after the test drive, they decided to buy.