LCSD#1 Releases Statement on Coronavirus Preparations
The Laramie Country School District #1 in Cheyenne, Wyoming released the following statement on the district's coronavirus preparations
"Coronavirus (now referred to as COVID-19) continues to be in the public eye and thus concern continues to grow. Laramie County School District #1 leadership is staying current with Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) guidelines and taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all students and staff members. Our district is in regular communication with state and local health departments who are closely monitoring COVID-19. At this point, there are no plans for school closures. Extracurricular activities will be evaluated on a case by case basis depending on how COVID-19 evolves in the community. Closures or cancellations will occur after direction and with guidance from WDH.
This link is the most recent information from the CDC with information on COVID-19 including actions to take if you become ill or suspect you have the virus: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/summary.html Please review these so you will be informed and better prepared.
As of today March 12, 2020, WDH reports there is one reported case in Sheridan County, Wyoming and the risk to our residents from COVID-19 remains low.
The symptoms reported with this disease are familiar to all of us: fever, cough and shortness of breath.
We know there are common-sense steps that can help prevent these kinds of illnesses from spreading:
· Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60 percent alcohol.
· Avoid close contact with sick people.
· While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible.
· Stay home if sick.
· Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
· Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs. · Additional information from WDH: https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/
Additional information from Cheyenne Laramie County Health Department (CLCHD): https://www.laramiecounty.com/_departments/health/index.aspx
Our most important piece of advice right now is for people to stay informed about COVID-19 and to look for updates and recommendations from credible sources such as the Wyoming Department of Health and the CDC. We will continue to keep our parents, students, and staff informed as we have more information."

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