New Wyoming Pizza Shop Has A Sense Of Humor
Back in May a new pizza place opened in Cody, Wyoming.
Well, sort of new.
The name Tossers Pizza replaced Pizza On the Run, which has been a Cody staple for decades.
New owner, same great pizza, same old shop.
So, let's advertise and get people's attention.
The best way to do that is with a sense of humor.
Since the name is TOSSERS, let's go with that tourist-tossing theme.
What do you think of their new sticker?
If you like that you'll love their new FaceBook page cover photo.
I bet you would love that logo on a hat or a t-shirt.
Yeah, they got that.
It's smart that they think of more than just selling pizza.
This is true branding and great laughs, and the expense of the dumbest of our Wyoming tourists.
Who doesn't love that?
Maybe, just maybe, seeing enough of these t-shirts could make a few of the dumber tourists THINK when they see a big fluffy cow.
'You mean I might get "TOSSED" like a PIZZA?'
That's what we're going for here.
But we all know that won't really stop the dumbest of the dumb.
OH LOOK - they have their logo on a HOODIE too.
With a great logo, we need a great slogan.
How about:
I'm all in on this.
Any chance I can get a bison to actually toss the pizza for me?
Never mind, it would just get stuck on its horn.
Their menu has many usual pizza recipes, and other food besides pizza.
Next time I'm in Cody I'm going to get a pizza there, and a hoodie.
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