Anyone who isn't familiar with Wyoming that hears the town name Rock Springs might think that not much really ever happens there.

They would be correct.

Recently the Rock Springs Wyoming city council took a major vote that was so important to the town it made the front page of the local paper.

ROCK SPRINGS – The Rock Springs City Council approved a request from the engineering/operations and public services department for the emergency replacement of a deteriorated manhole during the council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Surprised woman reading a newspaper on a couch

A letter to the city council from director of engineering, operations and public services Paul Kauchich was included in the agenda.

'The department of engineering/operations and public services is requesting permission to replace a deteriorated manhole located at the intersection of Center and Grant Streets, without following formal bidding procedures. This procedure is allowed in Wyoming State Statute 15-1-113 for emergency maintenance purposes. Acceptance of the lowest proposal in the amount of $100,500 with Longhorn Construction is also requested at this time.' (Rock Spring Rocket Miner).

WOW, that is quite a price tag for a project like this.

I'm sure the people of Rock Springs Wyoming will sleep easier once this project is complete.

Sergii Petruk
Sergii Petruk

How many townspeople do you think will wander over to check out the new decretive manhole cover once it is installed?

You might laugh at that idea, but it's costing local taxpayers $100.500. For that much of my taxpayer money, I'd go have a look.

For that price, I might go back more than once.

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