As Americans, we are allowed to express our opinions, even in those opinions offend someone.

The question has always been, are there any lines that need to be drawn?

What about offensive language?

SUBLETTE COUNTY – A Big Piney resident’s large sign fastened to the front fence that says “F– Biden” is protected free speech, even if neighbors are concerned about the “offensive” F word.

That was the consensus from the town’s attorney Doug Mason and Sheriff KC Lehr, to the Big Piney Town Council, at its Aug. 16 meeting.

Town clerk Kristi Gray said five or six callers complained to town staff and the sheriff said a deputy reportedly went to the house to check it out.

The sign reads: “F– Biden and F– you if you voted for him.”

Mayor Tyler Maxfield brought up the possibility of an ordinance, which Mason said would have “to be narrowly tailored” to avoid violating the sign poster’s freedom of speech. Maxfield said he hoped the resident might understand that the language offends some people.

“I haven’t spoken with Deputy Winer yet,” Lehr said of the sign. “It’s worth a try. That’s a sticky one” because posting the F word is not a crime. (Sublette Examiner). 


In Lingle Wyoming, you see a big sign over what used to be "The Corner Bar" that now reads "Bitches Bar".

The story was that a mom and her daughters bought the place and folks in town began calling The Corner Bar the new nickname as a funny jab at the place being owned by 3 women.

The women owners thought it was funny so they renamed the place and hung a sign up, proudly using the offensive word.

The Lingle city council did not think it was cute or funny and they ordered the offensive sign taken down.

The issue went to court where a Wyoming judge ruled that the name was allowed under free speech.

The ladies at the bar celebrated by buying a bigger sign.

Some folks would like those who put up offensive words to at least block out one of the vowels. But does that really help? Everybody knows what the word is even with a vowel blocked.

So you can use bad language in Wyoming. It looks like those who are offended just need to learn to deal with it.

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