Squirrel Hides Over 150 Pounds of Nuts in Chevy Truck
Just in case you're wondering, yes, you read that headline right: Squirrel Hides Over 150 Pounds of Nuts in Chevy Truck. That's not the amazing part. What's amazing is it took him just 4 days to do it.
There are some videos, below, of other such inconvenient squirrel nesting incidents.
The record-breaking nut stasher found the truck of North Dakota man Bill Fischer. His Chevrolet Avalanche was overflowing with large black walnuts after leaving it parked for just four days, according to the Herald.
You can see the photos that Mr. Fischer poster posted to Facebook at this link.
In his pictures, Mr. Fischer shows off 5-gallon buckets filled to the brim with nuts.

Just imagine how long it took to clean up all of that while an angry squirrel stands watching. Personally, I'd be having nightmares about being attacked by an army of squirrels every night.
We are talking just walnuts acorns and other stuff essential for the winter. But this record-breaking stasher is not the only one to have ever done this.
That squirrel was a record-breaker, but he is not the only one to have ever filled the engine compartment in this way.
In the video below. He did not break the record, but he made a nice nest.
These little guys find anyplace that makes sense to them. For example here is an antenna site jam-packed with winter food and nesting. If you see it from the squirrel's point of view a place like this is a dream home.
Apparently, this happens to care and trucks more often than we know. I have another car video below showing a mechanic opening the hood to find a squirrel nest surprise.
I don't know about you but I just can't get mad at these little guys. They are so cute and they are just working hard to get ready for winter. THEY, on the other hand, have every right to be mad at the US for wrecking all their hard work.
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