Cheyenne Animal Shelter Closes After Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19Cheyenne Animal Shelter Closes After Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19The Cheyenne Animal Shelter has temporarily closed its doors after an employee tested positive for COVID-19.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
I-80, Other SE Wyoming Highways Closed Overnight Due to June Snow [UPDATED]I-80, Other SE Wyoming Highways Closed Overnight Due to June Snow [UPDATED]The National Weather Service warned that power lines and numerous tree branches were expected to be brought down by the storm.Nick LearnedNick Learned
Casper Sam’s Club Closes Sunday Afternoon Amid Nationwide Unrest [UPDATED]Casper Sam’s Club Closes Sunday Afternoon Amid Nationwide Unrest [UPDATED]An employee told K2 Radio News that local managers would not make a statement, which is typical. Nick LearnedNick Learned
Woman Illegally Enters Yellowstone, Falls Into Thermal FeatureWoman Illegally Enters Yellowstone, Falls Into Thermal FeatureThe incident remains under investigation, Veress said.Nick LearnedNick Learned
BNSF Railway Cutting Hundreds of Jobs, Including 122 in Wyoming [UPDATED]BNSF Railway Cutting Hundreds of Jobs, Including 122 in Wyoming [UPDATED]Beyond the impacted Wyoming facilities, the diesel shop in Glendive, Montana will be permanently closed. Nick LearnedNick Learned
Tiny Montana School to be Among First in US to ReopenTiny Montana School to be Among First in US to ReopenVery few other Montana schools are taking the option of reopening on Thursday.Associated PressAssociated Press
Many Teton County Businesses to Remain Closed Until May 11Many Teton County Businesses to Remain Closed Until May 11The county requested variances based on metrics determined by state officials.Nick LearnedNick Learned
Grand Teton National Park Offerings to Remain ClosedGrand Teton National Park Offerings to Remain ClosedMany other facilities’ opening dates have been postponed or canceled.Associated PressAssociated Press
Spring Snowstorm Closes 250+ Miles of I-80 in Southern WyomingSpring Snowstorm Closes 250+ Miles of I-80 in Southern WyomingIn addition, US 30/287 was closed between WY 34 north of Laramie and I-80 at Walcott Junction.Nick LearnedNick Learned
Devils Tower Closes to Visitors Due to COVID-19 ConcernsDevils Tower Closes to Visitors Due to COVID-19 ConcernsThe public will be notified when full operations resume.Nick LearnedNick Learned