Lee Descendant Urges Official Removal of Confederate StatuesLee Descendant Urges Official Removal of Confederate StatuesThe calls came at a House subcommittee hearing Tuesday.Associated PressAssociated Press
Breaking With President on Key Issues, Cheney Supports Defense Spending BillBreaking With President on Key Issues, Cheney Supports Defense Spending BillBut Cheney also contradicts the President on another crucial point, one with much broader international -- and potentially kinetic -- implications. Nick LearnedNick Learned
Richmond Removes Second Confederate Statue as Crowd CheersRichmond Removes Second Confederate Statue as Crowd CheersMaury headed the coast, harbor and river defenses for the Confederate Navy.Associated PressAssociated Press
Mississippi Surrenders Confederate Symbol From State FlagMississippi Surrenders Confederate Symbol From State FlagVoters will be asked to approve the new flag in the Nov. 3 election.Associated PressAssociated Press
Mississippi Could Strip Confederate Symbol From State FlagMississippi Could Strip Confederate Symbol From State FlagRepublican Gov. said Saturday that he will sign a bill to change the flag.Associated PressAssociated Press
Slavery Advocate’s Statue Being Removed in South CarolinaSlavery Advocate’s Statue Being Removed in South CarolinaThe city and its mayor voted unanimously hours before to remove it.Associated PressAssociated Press
Protesters in Richmond Tear Down Another Confederate StatueProtesters in Richmond Tear Down Another Confederate StatueIt's the third Confederate statue, and the fourth monument, to be torn down by demonstrators in Virginia.Associated PressAssociated Press
Pelosi Calls for Removing Confederate Statues From CapitolPelosi Calls for Removing Confederate Statues From CapitolPelosi lacks the authority to order the removal of the 11 statues.Associated PressAssociated Press
Judge Issues Order Halting Lee Statue Removal for 10 DaysJudge Issues Order Halting Lee Statue Removal for 10 DaysNortham last week ordered the statue of Lee taken down.Associated PressAssociated Press
‘A Long Time Coming': Iconic Lee Statue to be Removed‘A Long Time Coming': Iconic Lee Statue to be RemovedMany activists and black leaders say it is long overdue.Associated PressAssociated Press