Helping raise funds is the biggest way you can help mule deer and other large Wyoming animals. Buying specially picked Mule Deer Foundation whiskey is one way to do that.
The Wyoming Super Tag raffle raised $1.6 million for conservation in 2022.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s program saw another record-breaking round of ticket sales.
Created by Gov. Matt Mead and the Wyoming Legislature in 2013, the Super Tag raffle provides hunters opportunities for hunting licenses and raises money for wildlife management in Wyoming. This year 124,
This is not an argument that's going to be settled any time soon. Are wolves good or bad for Wyoming? A new documentary asks that question...whether wolves are predators or prey.
Governor Mark Gordon recently issued a statement regarding the Biden Administration's 30x30 Report (a goal to conserve 30 percent of the nation's land and waters by the year 2030), and the Governor was cautiously optimistic about what the report entailed.