Old Farmer’s Almanac Sees a Warm, Wet Spring for Much of WyomingOld Farmer’s Almanac Sees a Warm, Wet Spring for Much of Wyoming ❄They say they're right about 80% of the time. What do you think? Will spring be warm, wet, cold, dry... ☔ ?Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Monday Hail Storms Possible For Eastern WyomingMonday Hail Storms Possible For Eastern WyomingIf you live around the extreme eastern side of Wyoming or the western side of South Dakota and Nebraska, be prepared for some hail this Monday.Glenn WoodsGlenn Woods
April Showers Bring May Flowers. Rainy Week in Store for Casper-AreaApril Showers Bring May Flowers. Rainy Week in Store for Casper-AreaTomorrow there's a chance we'll see a quarter inch of rainfall. Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Aunt Ruth’s Hip Replacement Predicts Wyoming Spring WeatherAunt Ruth’s Hip Replacement Predicts Wyoming Spring WeatherDon't trust the 10 day forecast.Glenn WoodsGlenn Woods
Trapped At Home By Wyoming Spring SnowTrapped At Home By Wyoming Spring SnowThe storm is only half over.Glenn WoodsGlenn Woods
To Snow, or Not to Snow? That is the Question. To Snow, or Not to Snow? That is the Question. Possible snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches in northern Natrona County and 2 to 4 inches in southern Natrona County. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Snow To Usher Out Casper’s Beautiful Weather Just In Time For The WeekendSnow To Usher Out Casper’s Beautiful Weather Just In Time For The WeekendThe good news is that sunny weather is expected to return by Monday. Highs in the mid-60s are expected as next week progresses.Zach SpadtZach Spadt