Super Bowl

The WEIRDEST Super Bowl Bets People Make
The WEIRDEST Super Bowl Bets People Make
The WEIRDEST Super Bowl Bets People Make
It has been predicted that more money will be bet on this year's Super Bowl than in any previous ones. Perhaps as much as over $7 billion.   Part of that high number is because it is now easier than ever for people to bet from their couches, right off of their phones. But p...
12 Essential Super Bowl Jokes
12 Essential Super Bowl Jokes
12 Essential Super Bowl Jokes
No matter if you are sharing the Super Bowl online, with friends, or at a party or sports bar, it's a good idea to have a few bad jokes. YEAH, I said bad jokes. Frankly, it's hard to find any sports fans that know any good jokes. Even worse, try finding a sports fan that knows and CLEAN jokes...

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