We Were Lucky, Says Yellowstone GeologistsWe Were Lucky, Says Yellowstone GeologistsWatch video explanationGlenn WoodsGlenn Woods
Michigan Man Charged With Intoxication, Getting in Thermal Area in YellowstoneMichigan Man Charged With Intoxication, Getting in Thermal Area in YellowstonePark officials say the ground in hydrothermal areas is fragile and thin, and there is and acidic scalding water just below the surface.Tom MortonTom Morton
Man Gets Jail for Walking in Off-Limits Yellowstone Thermal AreaMan Gets Jail for Walking in Off-Limits Yellowstone Thermal AreaHambrick ordered Skinner to pay $1,250 in community service to the Park's nonprofit partner Yellowstone Forever.Tom MortonTom Morton
Yellowstone: Probably No Foul Play in Found-Foot Thermal Pool IncidentYellowstone: Probably No Foul Play in Found-Foot Thermal Pool Incident"Currently, the park believes there was no foul play."Tom MortonTom Morton
Two Men Sentenced for Walking on Old Faithful in YellowstoneTwo Men Sentenced for Walking on Old Faithful in YellowstoneThe ground in hydrothermal areas is fragile and thin, and there is scalding water just below the surface.Tom MortonTom Morton