13 Bison Die, Struck by Vehicles North of West Yellowstone13 Bison Die, Struck by Vehicles North of West YellowstoneA total of 13 bison were killed.Associated PressAssociated Press
Listen to Wolves Howling from Downtown West YellowstoneListen to Wolves Howling from Downtown West YellowstoneIf you're fortunate, you might hear wolves howl next time you visit Yellowstone National Park. But, you're not likely to hear them all the way in downtown West Yellowstone unless you were there a few mornings ago.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Vigil Held for Montana Boy Who Was Beaten to DeathVigil Held for Montana Boy Who Was Beaten to DeathAn autopsy found injuries all over Alex's body and he died of head injuries.Associated PressAssociated Press