We are all aware that the 'Great Resignation' has been upon us for some time. This is even after the post-pandemic era. However, it seems that working remotely proved to show more benefits for some and as a result, has some people looking for other jobs that have employees working remotely. But even before the pandemic, people were seeking to work remotely at an all-time high. In the past five years, searches for remote working jobs increased by about 4400 percent. And it turns out that Cheyenne is leading the charge in that area.
The City of Laramie is currently implementing a multi-phase sanitary sewer rehabilitation project in Reynolds Street. Construction of Phase 2 is scheduled for Summer 2022 and will include replacing 1,100 linear feet of sanitary sewer line, from 9th Street to just east of 11th Street...
Wyoming Historian Dan Lyon will be presenting “Before Heart Mountain; Union Pacific Railroad’s Controversial Hiring of Japanese Immigrant Labor” on October 14, at 7 pm in the Wyoming State Museum classroom, located at 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne.
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