The Graduation Speech Young Adults Really Need To Hear
Caps, gowns, diplomas, and young people ready to start their lives. It is graduation season.
Here come the commencement speakers.
As always these speakers want to say something inspiring, but truthful. They would like to say something that these young people will actually remember as they walk away from school and into the real world.
What I am going to do here is offer what should be said, which is not always what people want to hear.
Let's not dissuade our young people, but let's, at the same time, hit them with the dose of reality that they really need so they don't fall flat on their faces out there.
1). You have a diploma. Congratulations. But all that means is that you have the tools you need to go out into the world and begin to learn. You see, actually, learning is a lifelong process. So don't leave here thinking that you know it all. The person who thinks they know it all is always the dumbest person in the room.
2). Go get a skill. Having a diploma in a bunch of subjects that do not translate into real work will not allow you to make a living. There are many STUPID people with master's and doctorate degrees.
3). Your self-worth is different from your finical worth. What you do for a living does not define what kind of person you are. But being self-sufficient and not being a burden on society does.
4). All of your life you have been told that you are special. Sorry to burst your bubble but you are not. However, if you think you're so great, prove it by actually contributing to society.
5). WHEN you get out into the world and BLOW IT, many times over, remember, everybody does. There is nobody who hasn't. It's not about how hard you get knocked down or how many times. It's that you keep getting back up and getting back in there. Only then will you see success.
6). Don't ever be embarrassed by your mistakes. Mistakes are how you learn. Go back and find out what you did wrong and figure out how to do it right.
7). Don't ever give somebody else a hard time for making a mistake. You're just being a jerk if you do.
Below is a wonderful video by Mike Roe who will tell you about some of the lies you have been told and what you really need to hear.
Just because you have a passion, does not mean you can make a living at it.
Now get out there and show this world what you've got.