The Most Common Bird in Wyoming
Spring (perhaps it's still false spring) is here and the birds are definitely out and about in full view. Not everyone's a bird watcher, but there's certainly plenty around to see. While they might take a free sample from your garden from time to time, they're also good at eliminating harmful bugs that can be doing damage. So what's the most commonly seen bird in Wyoming?
The lawn & garden publication Gardens Alive recently did some research to find out what bird has been seen in each state the most often. In Wyoming, the most commonly seen bird is the Western Meadowlark. Our region of the country happens to be a mainstay for the Western Meadowlark as it's also the most commonly seen bird in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Idaho, and Nevada.
While the Western Meadowlark may own our region of the country, it wasn't the most commonly seen bird in the U.S. That title goes to the Red-Winged Blackbird, which seems to have taken its possession of the very middle of the country, along with New York and California. The Red-Winged Blackbird is the most commonly seen bird in 11 states total.
The American Robin makes its home in most of the northeast and Oregon in eight states total while the European Starling is tied with the Western Meadowlark for being the most commonly seen in seven states. However, throughout the West and the Midwest, the Western Meadowlark has been the most seen bird throughout those regions as a whole. To check out the full map of where each bird most commonly resides, you can check out the map here.