Prepare to Be Electrified: Witness the Breathtaking Lightning Spectacle Illuminating the West Texas Sky.

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Hold onto your seats, folks, because Mother Nature has put on a show like no other.

Michael Harbour via Twitter
Michael Harbour via Twitter

Thunderbolts from the Heavens

When it comes to captivating displays of atmospheric pyrotechnics, West Texas doesn't disappoint. As if pulled straight out of an epic blockbuster, these bolts of lightning illuminate the sky with their crackling energy.

In the video, you'll witness a mesmerizing interplay between light and darkness. As the bolts of lightning strike, they momentarily transform the night sky into a radiant canvas of vivid colors. Each flash reveals a landscape momentarily bathed in a sea of electric hues, leaving us in awe of the raw power and beauty of nature.

Check out the video below and keep scrolling for the top comments from Twitter.

Lightning Facts vs Myth

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, also know as NOAA put together five important facts and myths that we should know about lightning. There are five things you should know when encountering lightning. Keep things things in mind the next time you get stuck in a storm.

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