This is one of those life moments where you have to make lemonade out of lemons. It was a Colorado dude who was stuck in a traffic jam who decided to make the best possible use of his time by catching a fish.

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This is the story of Dylan Hayes who was driving on I-70 near Glenwood Canyon in Colorado when he realized that traffic wasn't moving anytime soon. He could have sat there in bitterness, but instead decided to do something else. Let's grab the rod and reel.

I was able to pin down the location for this fun fishing moment on Instagram where the tags showed this was the beautiful when not harrowing part of I-70 near Glenwood Springs, Colorado which can be a challenge to drive especially this time of year. While it's a pretty hefty drop to the Colorado River below, that didn't stop Dylan from reeling in a nice fish.

One question remains...did this fish make the rest of the drive with Dylan to his destination? Inquiring minds want to know. If that's the case, I would imagine a vital purchase of air fresheners will be needed by Dylan. Not to rain on his fish parade though as this is a nice catch and the best use of time in a Colorado traffic jam likely ever.

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