While as of early Friday morning there had been no formal announcement about a possible special session of the Wyoming Legislature to push back against President Biden's vaccine mandate, several lawmakers have posted on social media that a poll of the legislature had voted in favor of the mandate special session.

Rep. Chuck Gray [R-Natrona County], Rep. Landon Brown (R-Laramie County], and Rachel Rodriguez-Williams [R-Park County] were among the Wyoming legislators posting that the session had been approved by the necessary majorities in both houses.

Rep. Gray posted the following comments:

We have just received an email that 36 aye votes in the House and 18 aye votes in the Senate have been received in support of a special session! This is an unofficial tally based on the emailed votes but it looks like we have successfully crossed the threshold for a special session to be called. What a huge moment for our state! I continue to work on bills for the session. The session will be held between October 26-28.

Rep. Brown also posted that it had been approved:

As of 5 PM tonight the legislature has affirmatively voted to call ourselves into special session.
Although I voted no to go into special session, I vow to have an open mind and consider each piece of legislation in its entirety before voting.
I encourage any discussion here or on my email address. You can also call 307-630-0582.
Rep. Rodriguez-Williams posted:
As of 5:00 p.m. today, LSO has received a sufficient number of unofficial electronic ballots and some official signed, original ballots to meet the majority threshold in both house to call a Special Session (36 aye votes in the House and 18 aye votes in the Senate received in both electronic and paper formats).
Wyoming Senate President Dan Dockstader and House Speaker Eric Barlow had announced earlier this week that they were going to formally poll lawmakers about a possible special session.
The poll was scheduled to end at 5 p.m. Thursday.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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