Outside the doors to the Wyoming house of representatives is a small room where folks were waiting to talk to elected officials as soon as they broke for lunch.

Inside, bills were moving quickly in an effort to get as many introduced into the legislative session before deadline. The pressure was on with an unusually high number of bills being offered this year.

The clock ticked past the usual noon lunch break. Time passed slowly for those outside the doors, but inside the house the pressure was on and it seemed as if it was racing by. (What would Einstein say?)

1:30pm. Still no break for lunch. Folks outside the door were beginning to wonder if there would be a break at all: they must be getting hungry in there.

Then, one of the two doors cracked open, just a bit. Chuck Grey, Representative from Casper, slowly poked his head out. He looked left, then right, then he gently drew his head back in and pulled the door closed.

"GREAT," I said. "Three more weeks of legislating..." 

A couple of days later, I had the Wyoming speaker of the house, Steve Harshman on the show. He expressed frustration with the legislative system as it is now.

Before the 1970's, Wyoming did not have a biennium system, where one year is for working on the budget, one year is for passing legislation.

Because of this, and the short period of time they are allowed to meet, state lawmakers are not able to pass as many laws as they would like. Speaker Harshman has a constitutional amendment he wants to pass to change the system so more laws can be considered and passed.

During the interview I let the speaker know that less time lawmakers had to pass laws, the fewer laws passed, which was nothing but good for the state of Wyoming. We politely disagreed with each other.

The President of the Senate, Drew Perkens, opposes Mr. Harshman's amendment.

You can hear what the two said about the proposal in the video, below.

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