How does a shooter even see a target that is 4.4 miles away?

That must be a hell of scope on that rifle.

The shot was made right here in Wyoming. We have a new world record.

That distance is so far that altitude has to be taken into consideration, plus humidity.

The wind direction will change in many ways over that distance.

The shooter even has to cucullate the curve of the Earth. Sorry flat Earthers.

Then what about the rotation of the Earth? How fast is the planet turning in relation to how the bullet is moving?

Watch the actual shot in the video below.

Pull the trigger and an amazing 24 seconds will pass before they heard the bullet hit the target. That's including the time it takes for the sound of the strike to get back to them. The bullet is in the air for about 4 to 5 seconds.

It was a new world record for a rifle shot, set by the Jackson-based Nomad Rifleman team led by Schott Austin and Shepard Humphries. The shot was made with a custom-built rifle chambered for the .416 Barrett cartridge.

During a Zoom interview Tuesday with Cowboy State Daily, Humphries declined to identify the team member who made the shot. (Cowboy State Daily).

This was a team effort.

It was not a shot that could have been made on just any day. The conditions must be perfect.

Got my eye locked onto you

The longest shot previously made was made by a Canadian sniper. The soldier shot an IS militant dead from 3,540 meters, which is just over two miles away, in Iraq. (BBC).

Shooting Black Powder In Wyoming

Wyoming Has Polish MiGs for Ukraine

Not long after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the was talk of Poland giving Ukraine some of their MiG fighter planes.

Poland is now part of NATO. So they were willing to part with the older Russian planes for newer and more hi-tech Western planes.

For several reasons, the deal fell through. Ukraine will not get the planes.

HEY Ukraine!
If you're still interested, Wyoming has a few old Polish MiGs we would be happy to give you.

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