CAUTION: This article is a work of satire.

It's just not FAIR!

This winter the western side of Wyoming has literally been buried in snow, with no signs of it stopping any time soon.

Just this past week at Sugar Bowl Ski Resort, more than 7 feet of snow fell.

Meanwhile, the eastern side of the state has received a mild dusting.

Yeah, those MEGA RICH JERKS in JACKSON are hoarding everything again.

But that's what the ultra-rich do, right?

You should see Yellowstone. It's even worse.

So steps are being taken to even out Wyoming's snowpack.

attachment-Snow Graders 6

Wyoming's Governor has ordered a massive convoy of trucks to move snow from the western side of the state and dump it in the east where it's needed.

Call it another form of wealth distribution if you will. Why not? This lack of snow is negatively affecting winter tourism on the eastern side of the state. Tourism is a big part of Wyoming's economy. Why should Jackson and Yellowstone get it all?

Those dump trucks will need to drive fast to avoid all that snow from melting before they get to their destination.

Expect to see high-speed escorts from the Wyoming Highway Patrol.

If you're wondering why one side of the state has seen so much winter and the other side has not, it all has to do with how much CO2 the eastern side of the state puts out compared to the more liberal western side.

(None of what just read is true. Here is what's really going on).

Western Wyoming has indeed been buried in winter while the eastern side of the state has had a much warmer, milder, and somewhat snow-free season.

According to regional meteorologist Don Day, of Day Weather, this mostly concerns the many chains of mountains that break up these storms as they try to head east. The West Coast has had a hard winter. Most of it never made it past those mountains.

Add to that, some parts of the West have had high-pressure systems parked over them for extended periods. Those systems pushed winter around for much of the season.

But we are not done with winter yet.

March is a very busy weather period with lots of wet on the way for all parts of every Western state.

There is a lot more to come.

Don't worry eastern Wyoming, you'll get your share.

Snow Crushes Wheatland, Wyoming Airplane Hangars

This row of hangars goes back many years. Some history was lost under a crush of snow.

March 21st, 2021. A record-breaking snowstorm had shut down most of Wyoming and was not yet done. Below is a gallery of photos as cleanup continues.

One of the small airports in Platte County, Wyoming is Phifer Airfield on Antelope Gap Road, east of Wheatland. Platte County has the Wheatland airport, along with one in Torrington and Guernsey. They were all shut down in the storm.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

WEIRD Wyoming Snow Drifts April Blizzard 2022

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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