The 2024 Bowl for Jason’s Friends fundraiser is a fun community event involving nearly 1,000 bowlers.

Besides the bowlers raising money on teams, there were donors and sponsors at El Mark-O Lanes in Casper, Wyoming, and Camelanes in Gillette, Wyoming.

The proceeds raised from Bowl for Jason’s Friends are the primary source of revenue for the funding provided to Wyoming families enrolled in the program whose children are battling cancer, brain tumors, or spinal cord tumors.

Allow me to introduce you to the Townsquare Media Casper Team.

We suck at bowling.

But so what?

Below we see our own DJ Nyke of Casper's Kiss FM celebrating a mediocre shot. It was the best he did that day so - GO NYKE!

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This is all about raising money for an important cause. So sucking at the job is just fine by everybody involved.

Jason’s Friends exists to assist Wyoming families whose children suffer from cancer, brain tumors, or spinal cord tumors by providing financial assistance, advocacy, and encouragement.

Jason’s Friends Foundation provides organized community support that is otherwise unavailable in Wyoming.

Along with advocacy and emotional support, they ensure that Wyoming families will not lose everything they own simply because they’ve had the misfortune of having a child with cancer.

Wyoming's talk show host Glenn Woods, of Wake Up Wyoming, prepares to absolutely blow this shot.

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He's trying to look good doing it, but, that's just making it worse.

Jason's Friends provides financial assistance for any Wyoming family regardless of income, allowing them to focus on one of the most emotional and critical challenges in life, having a child with cancer.

90% of all dollars received by Jason’s Friends Foundation goes directly to the financial support of Wyoming families enrolled in our program.

My Country 99.5 Drew Kerby plans his roll. It won't do a damn bit of good.

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Actually, the best bowler of the day was one of the daughters of our local news director Kolby Fedore.

Sure, she had the ramp set up for her and the bumpers were raised so she could not get a gutter ball.

We should have all done it this way. Frankly, we needed to.

I mean, why suffer through the embarrassment and frustration when you can cheat?

Mom even had to help her push the ball.

Nyke ate an entire slice of Pizza while watching the ball make its way slowly down the lane.

The kid almost got a strike.

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Thanks to those who came out for pizza and bowling.

A great time was had by all.

If you need the help of Jason's Friends or would like to help the cause, follow this link.

The Giving Hearts Of Meals On Wheels, Wyoming

There are people in your community that are stuck at home for various reasons.

They need help with food, and companionship.

In Laramie County Wyoming Meals On Wheels reaches out to them.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

The Lighthouses Of Wyoming

I really have NO idea why you clicked on this link.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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