You’ll Love Guernsey Wyoming’s Haunted House Adventure
The Covid-19 scare has closed down a lot of Halloween events across the region. But not so in Guernsey Wyoming.
With haunted Fort Laramie on one side of town, and the Oregon Trail ruts on the other side, the little town of Guernsey Wyoming is bound to have a fare share of ghost passing through.
This year the Guernsey Volunteer Fire Department will be capturing some of those spooks and allowing you to have a look at them at their annual haunted house.
And it's all for a good cause. Admission is $8 adults and $5 for children ages 6-11.
They have transformed their little Town Hall at 81 W. Whalen into a fright-fest Oct. 30-31, daily from 6 -10 p.m.
Finding Guernsey is easy, and once in town there is really no way to get lost. Use this link for a map to the event.

The Guernsey Fire Department uses the money to help families with a Thanksgiving dinner. Using one holiday to fund another is a great idea.
Any leftover money will be donated to Toys for Tots. They usually see if they can pay a little forward for next years haunted house.
After, when you are heading home, be sure you don't have any hitchhikers that you did not invite. You know, the ones wearing old settlers clothing or old army uniforms. Maybe a slightly transparent Indian. They Guernsey Fire Department would like to put them back where they found them, for next year.
Contact Shenna Thomas@ 307-575-3652 with any questions.
UP NEXT: 18 Most Terrifyingly Haunted Places in Wyoming
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