This year, more than ever, people will be shopping online for Christmas. COVID-19 has a lot to do with that.

Lets look at how you can do it safely.

Make sure your computer software is updated, and that includes different forms of malware and spyware protection. You should be able to find in your protection programs a search for the latest updates.

Skip email and social media deals. Since you are not sure who the source is, you cannot be sure if you will get what you paid for. It's a good idea to only shop through known, secure sites.

Get credit and debit card protection if you don't have it. I've had someone use my card illegally, and my bank blocked payment and gave me a new card in one day. That is a feature that really comes in handy.

These three simple steps will go a long way toward protecting you while you shop online. But the best defense of all is to go with your instincts. If something seems odd to you, then don't click on it. 

You can also shop locally online.

Many people prefer to support local retailers when they Christmas shop, and these days most of them are online, just like the big chains. So you can shop local from home and know you are safer than shopping the unknown online. 

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