I'm sure you've walked into a diner, anywhere in America, and seen the "Good Ol' Boys Club" having their morning coffee and talking about a lot of nothing.

The photo above is from Wyoming's oldest soda fountain.

They posted this on the soda fountain's Facebook page.

Every small town café needs a group of distinguished gentlemen who come in to drink coffee every morning and solve the world’s problems.


These are our “Fountain Men” and we adore them.


Thanks for keeping us entertained Terry, Sam, Ben, Joe, Marvin, Denny, and Dennis.

What would we do without these men solving all of the world's problems?

We should bring in our elected officials to listen to them. Lord knows they need the help.

In fact at the Chugwater Soda Fountain, you can get advice right from the horse's mouth.

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'A horse walked into a bar,' the old joke goes.

In this case, a horse was led into the Chugwater Soda Fountain to have a malt.

Look, it was hot out and the horse needed something cool in its belly. You know how it goes.

If you're thinking that the horse might have made a mess, I'm sure Jill Winger, the owner of the soda fountain would tell you that some of her human customers make even bigger messes.

It all started outside.

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Kids take a moment to pet a passing horse.

It's Wyoming after all. Nothing unusual there. Just another day in one of Wyoming's many small cattle towns.

But it's hot out and, by golly, everybody needs some ice cream.

When I say everybody I mean man and beast.

They begin to look through the windows feverishly.

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Even the horse perks up on that call.


Does anyone see a sign on the door that says "No horses allowed?" I've eaten there many times and recall no such sign.

Inside everybody goes. BOY that air conditioning feels GOOD!

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For the record, this is not a common occurrence.

On the other hand, it's not unheard of.

There are old photos of horses being brought into bars. I know for a fact that it still happens.

I'm sure if we went into an ice cream shop in Los Angeles we would see even stranger things.

Wyoming Knife Master

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods


Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Chugwater's Hysterical Pie Eating Contest.

One of Wyoming's smallest towns added a new event. A PIE EATING CONTEST.

The rules are simple:

Not hands allowed.

Eat as much as you can before time is up.

The results are hysterical.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Painful To Watch, Chugwater Rodeo Rider Caught Under Hoof

Harding ridding at the 2021 Chugwater Chili Cookoff in Chugwater Wyoming

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