Does This Fourth of July Dish Make Wyoming More Patriotic?
Who doesn't love a dish that looks and tastes like freedom?
Well folks, we've got another holiday on the horizon with Fourth of July rapidly approaching. This holiday is obviously about celebrating our nation's freedom and the brave men and women who made that happen. It's also a holiday that just feels like summer, you know? I have found myself craving burgers, BBQ, pie, watermelon... all the things that go with a summer barbeque.
But which dish is considered the most patriotic of them all in Wyoming?
Now, I love a good themed party and a themed dish to go along with it. I've been known to serve up strawberry shortcake with whipped cream and blueberries for the Fourth in the past. It's an easy and light dessert that is red, white and blue. It's tasty too!
This year, I decided to see which dishes we're most likely looking for in the days leading up to Independence Day. I wanted to do get some inspiration fairly early since I'm usually the one shopping the morning of a holiday and there's never anything I want available. So in an effort to be ahead of the crowd, I'm diving in now.
And what I found is banana bread.
That's the most popular 4th of July recipe in Wyoming apparently. No burgers, no potato salad, no popsicles. Banana bread.
This is according to a website called Well and Good and their list of the "Most Popular 4th of July Recipes in All 50 States."
Of course it is the internet so take it with a grain of salt. I'm curious though, have you searched for a banana bread recipe? Their list came primarily from Google searches so we must be looking for something that has to do with this baked good. And by all means, if you have a recipe please share it with me below.
And if banana bread isn't your idea of a patriotic dish, tell us what is!