World War II Veteran Cap Seeks Its Owner
The manager of the Aaron's store on Casper's west side found a World War II Veteran cap in the parking lot, and wants it to be reunited with its owner, she said.
Amber Marie Gehrett found it Tuesday, and no one has come to the store to claim it, she said, adding it is very good condition.
Gehrett took the cap to the Casper Police Department, she said.
"They took a report of where it was found and they took it and said they would let us know if someone claims it," she said.
Police also said the person or persons who are looking for it should go to the station at 201 N. David St.
Gehrett also called the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post, 1800 Bryan Stock Trail, and was told the commander will be informed about the lost cap.
If you know who is the owner of this cap, call the Police Department's general number at (307) 235-8278, or call the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9439 at (307) 235-4867.