Stranded in Snow: How Kindness Prevailed in Casper
First off, I am super embarrassed. Having lived in Casper for over twenty years (this time at least; I was born here), you would think I would be more prepared.
Let's start at the beginning.
After the 2024 Toughest Monster Truck Tour, my family and I walked out of the Ford Wyoming Center to my vehicle, were I quickly realized my autostart was not working. As I approached closer, it was obvious that my battery was dead.
Since totaling my Jeep around February of 2023, I had forgotten to put my winter emergency kit (which includes my jumper cables), in my new-to-me vehicle. There is literally no excuse. It has been over a year. I had plenty of time, but as the saying goes: "out of sight, out of mind".
I noticed one of my passenger doors wasn't completely closed, so I blamed one of my daughters for the battery dying. That might have been part of it, but that was not the underlying issue. Stupid me had forgotten to turn my lights off.
So after I apologized to my children, I then waved down a couple of the many large pickup trucks that were in attendance.
Now it is also worth noting that is was snowing at this point and although it wasn't a lot, it was the real wet kind, that type that seeps through your clothing. I only mention it, because at this point it's getting cold and I have carload full of kids that range in age from early adulthood, all the way down to single digits.
Casper knights in shining armor emerge.
After stoping a few vehicles, in the parking lot, I finally found someone with jumper cables that was willing to help. It ended up being two gentlemen from separate vehicles that helped me out.
I didn't get their names, but they did tell me that they were both mechanics. How fortuitous for me!
I shook both of their hands and thanked them profusely. It could have been a long night had they not come to my rescue.
Thank you, fellas!
Casperites are always willing to help their own in need. You are proof that not all heroes wear capes!

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