Cheyenne City Councilmen Richard Johnson and Ken Esquibel have been respectively nominated to serve as the President and Vice President of the Cheyenne City Council for 2023.

The nominations were made at the council's Straw Poll Dinner on Tuesday night.

The nominations will be formally voted upon at the Jan. 3, 2023 city council meeting, which will be held at the Cheyenne Civic Center. Both Johnson and Esquibel are Ward III Representatives.

The Council President assigns committee and board assignments, and oversees the Committee of Whole and work session meetings.

The president also fills the role of chief executive in the mayor's absence.

Meet the Four-Legged Heroes of the Cheyenne Police Department

They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but make no bones about it, police dogs play a vital role in the fight against crime.

In many situations, they're the first ones to put their lives on the line to protect their human partners, proving that not all heroes wear capes, some wear fur coats.


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