You read that right! Maybe the best thing I've seen on Craigslist in hours, you can get your very own mobile chicken coop! It's the best time of the year to have chickens since they won't freeze. Just think, you can have your own fresh Wyoming Chicken, all you have to do is go pick this thing up in Greybull and buy chickens from Tractor Supply or something. Check out this guy's description of his Wyoming ingenuity.

I used this old ambulance trailer as a chicken coop for about seven years. Something got all my chickens, so I'm done. The tires on this may be in bad shape for moving it very far. This coop is well insulated and has a low roof, so the chickens are very warm in the winter without additional heat.

I'm not really sure what an ambulance trailer looks like or that they even existed until now, or how they found one, but, I really appreciate their engineering efforts. Ready for that sexy reveal?

How interested in this are you now? You know how much this costs? It's FREE! You can now live your dream of having your own chicken coop. We're just going to ignore that "something got all his chickens" and knowing that this might not protect your chickens from whatever "something" was.

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I can't say enough about how they engineered this. Who would have thought to reuse an old ambulance trailer or a modified trailer of any sort for chickens? If you're interested, click here for the link. Just make sure you at least live in a county pocket, so someone doesn't haul away your chicken empire.


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