The city of Mills, Wyoming is adding a new playground along Robertson Road near the intersection with Poison Spider Road.

The park will cover four acres with playground equipment for all ages.

There are plans for a pathway around the perimeter that will, at some point, be linked to the bike trail into town.

They haven't named the place yet.

So they're asking the public to help.

You can submit ideas for the park’s name at the Mills Summer Fest, on for June 10th

BUT if a name pops into your head at the strangest possible time you can just grab your phone and submit it online.

Scan this QR code and follow the instructions. It's that simple.

attachment-Park QR Mills

Well, okay, let's have some fun with this.

How about Parky McPark Park?

That idea comes from when a British government agency made the mistake of going to the Internet to get name suggestions for a $287 million polar research ship.

Someone suggested Boaty-McBoat-Face.

That weird name went viral and became the number-one pick on the internet.

But the University rejected that name, despite its popularity, and went with The Sir David Attenborough, after the eminent English zoologist and broadcaster.

I know what was back in 2016, but have we learned nothing from this, City Of Mills?


Okay, then I have a few suggestions.

How about Little Broken Arm?

Wade Bowl Park playground in Superior, WI
Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth

I'm sure the lawyers will love that name but the insurance companies will hate it.

The Island Of Lost Children?

Moms will HATE that name but Dads will think it's HYSTERICAL!

Depends on the sense of humor, or lack of one.

Mills Money Pit?

That's for people who think the park is a waste of taxpayers' money.

Well, honestly I'm not going to offer up any of these suggestions.

I think their great but not my best work.

Feel free to offer your suggestions to the city of Mills.

Have fun.

Think outside the box.


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