President Signs Order Over Wyoming Man’s Plight [VIDEO]
Five years ago, Wyoming rancher and welder Andy Johnson filed a permit to build a stock pond on his property with the state of Wyoming. The state granted approval and helped with the process.
Not only was the pond built to state specification, but Mr. Johnson even went so far as to make sure his pond helped clean the natural water ways and was a benefit to local wildlife. The state of Wyoming was pleased with what he had done and approved his work.
Shortly after the pond was finished, agents of the EPA arrived and demanded that we tear apart the pond, eventually deciding they would fine him $37,500.00 a day until the work was done. There would be no way that Andy Johnson would be able to afford those fines or the court cases to fight the EPA.
Hearing this, Governor Mead called Andy Johnson and told him that the state of Wyoming would have his back in the coming fight.
At the White House, with Andy Johnson present - along with others who have had similar fights with federal agencies -, President Trump signed an executive order to end this sort of government abuse.
In the video, below, provided by, Andy stands beside the president and speaks.