Modern life is fast, often confusing, stressful, and full of useless drama.

If you long to get away from these things you might be a closet homesteader.

Jill Winger has quite a following as a YouTuber, podcaster, and author, regarding homesteading.

In the video below she will offer several warning signs that you might need to take a step or two away from modern life and maybe get a piece of land in Wyoming to homestead.

Should you be one but have never tried it?

1. Do you feel like you fit into modern society?

2. You would much rather make things than buy them.

3. You feel like there has to be more to life.

4. You would rather spend your weekends digging in the dirt than going to the mall or movie theater.

5. You own a ridiculous number of mason jars.

6. You can't live without your 10-inch cast iron skillet.

7. You have a really bad habit of not labelling jars you put into the refrigerator and it turns into this weird game of Russian Roulette.

8. You have seedlings growing somewhere in your house at this very moment, waiting to go out into the garden.

After reading this list you should have a good idea as to if you should be living a more simple life away from all the pressure and noise of modern society.

attachment-Jill Winger Old Fashioned On Purpose

In Jill Winger's new book, Old Fashioned On Purpose, she explains why she has chosen and encourages this more simple, yet hard-working life that she and her husband live.

What are we leaving behind in our race towards progress?
We have more convenience and comfort than ever before, so why does something feel off?

Stillness feels elusive amid our frantic schedules
The more we consume, the unhappier we feel
We have thousands of friends on Facebook, but still feel disconnected
The industrial food system continues to weaken our bodies
And our screens distract us 24/7.
…But it doesn’t have to be this way. (Jill Winger).

The book is available for pre-order now.

You can listen to Jill talk about her book in the video below.

Living on a little stretch of land the old-fashioned way will not work for everyone. But there are takeaways from her new book that everyone can learn from.

Americans have become lost in a whirlwind of their own creation.

Simplifying would provide relief for us all.

Old Fashioned On Purpose shows us:
The 8 pillars of an old-fashioned life (that are attainable to everyone)
Proven strategies for growing your own groceries (even if you don’t have a backyard
How to find joy in the kitchen (even if you hate cooking)
How to escape the modern human zoo, even if you can’t move to a farm
The surprising stress-relievers that can be found in your backyard
Proven tricks for resisting the allure of screen addiction
Six vintage parenting strategies for more resilient kids.
How to craft a more grounded routine and save money in the process
Why letting your kids do dangerous things makes them safer
How to create a simpler, slower life, without moving to a farm
The secret ingredients for cultivating local community
Creative tips and DIYs to help you embark on your old-fashioned journey

It's a healthy mind and body approach to life that is often not seen today.

But it is not gone, for forgotten.

Listen to Jill's podcast on this book.
Season 12: Episode 5: Creativity, Magical Ideas, and THE NEW BOOK! • The Prairie Homestead
attachment-Jill Winger Podcast


Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Old Medicine Of The Chugwater Wyoming Drugstore

If you visit the tiny town of Chugwater Wyoming you'll find the newly restored Soda Fountain.

In fact it's Wyoming's oldest soda fountain and malt shot.

It's always worth stopping in for breakfast or lunch, or maybe a shake or malt.

The place was a drug store and soda fountain for the longest time.

Back then soda was actually used to cure an upset stomach.

So what sort of old medicines were left behind by Chugwater's last pharmacist?

It turns out, some of them are on display.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Reading The Past - Chugwater Wyoming Newspaper

These pages of the old Chugwter Wyoming newspaper show us coverage of the region from back in the 1940s.

There was little local news, other than the war.

But what was published at the time was important to the people of the area.

It was, in most case, the only news they had from outside their little ranch or town.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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